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PJ Harvey – Praha
18. 10. 2023 @ 20:00 - 23:00
1290Kč – 1490Kč
První deska po sedmi letech, dva koncerty ve „velké Lucerně“ – PJ Harvey se vrací v plné síle
Když její punkem nasáklé blues vstoupilo zkraje devadesátek do mainstreamu, bylo to zjevení. A přesně tak PJ Harvey působila s každou další deskou, tvůrčí polohou i stylovou reinkarnací. Mimořádná hudebnice na podzim vyrazí na turné ke své desáté desce I Inside the Old Year Dying, 18. a 19. října 2023 vystoupí ve Velkém sále Lucerny v Praze.
Vstupenky budou v prodeji od pátku 16. června přes fource.cz, GoOut a Ticketmaster. Už o den dříve se k lístkům budou moci dostat registrovaní uživatelé Fource Friends.
Vstupenky (1290 – 1490 korun) od 16. června
18. 10. 23 >> https://bit.ly/PJHarvey23fource
19. 10. 23 >> vyprodáno / sold out
18. 10. 23 >> https://bit.ly/PJHarvey23fource
19. 10. 23 >> vyprodáno / sold out
Of the new single “I Inside the Old I Dying”, PJ Harvey says, “This delicate and beautiful song eluded us until the very last day in the studio. Over the previous five weeks we had tried so many times to capture it and failed, and/but then John reinvented the feel of the guitar pattern. As he was demonstrating it in the control room, Flood handed me a microphone and pressed record whilst I sat next to John trying to work out how to sing to it. The result somehow captures the ethereal and melancholic longing I was looking for.
Of the new single “I Inside the Old I Dying”, PJ Harvey says, “This delicate and beautiful song eluded us until the very last day in the studio. Over the previous five weeks we had tried so many times to capture it and failed, and/but then John reinvented the feel of the guitar pattern. As he was demonstrating it in the control room, Flood handed me a microphone and pressed record whilst I sat next to John trying to work out how to sing to it. The result somehow captures the ethereal and melancholic longing I was looking for.
Tickets from June 16th (1290 – 1490 czk)
18. 10. 23 >> https://bit.ly/PJHarvey23fource
19. 10. 23 >> vyprodáno / sold out
18. 10. 23 >> https://bit.ly/PJHarvey23fource
19. 10. 23 >> vyprodáno / sold out