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Poets of the Fall – Praha
1. 9. 2023 @ 20:00 - 23:30
Po dvaceti letech stále na vrcholu, Poets of the Fall vyráží na narozeninovou tour
„Je to až k neuvěření, ale po dvaceti letech jsme stále spolu. Jsme vděční za vaši podporu, proto tenhle speciální moment musíme oslavit společně.“ Jedna z nejpopulárnějších finských rockových kapel Poets of the Fall oslaví dvacet let existence na speciálním turné, které 1. září zavítá do pražského MeetFactory.
Vstupenky (590 korun) na jejich dvouhodinové vystoupení budou v prodeji od 21. dubna v sítích GoOut a Ticketmaster. O dva dny dříve budou k dispozici registrovaným zákazníkům Fource Friends na fource.cz.
Vstupenky (590 Kč)
20th Anniversary Tour
The band started out their musical adventure from scratch in 2003. Singer Marko Saaresto sold everything he had to invest in pursuing the love of his life – music. After almost twenty years later Poets of the Fall are still one of the most popular Scandinavian bands. Poets have recently released a series of twelve acoustic singles and videos, filmed in the prestigious Alexander Theatre in Helsinki. They are also recording material for the next album.
20th Anniversary Tour
The band started out their musical adventure from scratch in 2003. Singer Marko Saaresto sold everything he had to invest in pursuing the love of his life – music. After almost twenty years later Poets of the Fall are still one of the most popular Scandinavian bands. Poets have recently released a series of twelve acoustic singles and videos, filmed in the prestigious Alexander Theatre in Helsinki. They are also recording material for the next album.
Tickets (590 czk)